Prompt #5
The campus organization that I selected was the business fraternity Delta Sigma Pi. I selected this frat because they sent me several emails about how involved they were in building relationships between their members and the business world. It heavily interested me and almost decided to “rush” the frat this fall. I ended up deciding not to but one of my good friends Kyle Luce, rushed and was accepted. So to learn more I asked him some questions about what the frat is like and how it functions. Here is what he said...
Q: What is DSP and what is its goal at Michigan State University?
A: It is a professional business fraternity, the goal is to network with other business students here at msu and around the state. It’s a great way to connect the real business world with our frat members
Q: Does your fraternity have the reputation that is synonymous with other frats here at MSU (i.e. partying, hazing, tailgates)?
A: It's different in that it is more about the social aspect of bringing together people of a specific interest and finding ways through Greek life to benefit each member the most
Q: What trips have you attended or plan on attending through DSP?
A: We actually just had a trip to Chicago last weekend where we attended a business conference with several other business fraternities like ours. We have a ski trip planned this Febuary up in Traverse City. And to wrap it up we have a trip to New York in the spring.
Q: What are you guys learning on these trips? What companies participate in these summits and conferences?
A: Met with a lot of our sponsors on our last trip, AON, Expedia, Rolls-Royce, just to name a few. We do group discussions about what they do, potential internships, open up questions to the panel on specifics about maybe their companies or the industry they're in
Q: Last question, what are some of the ways the frat communicates to all of its members? As well as what methods of communication do you use to pass information along to your “brothers”?
A: It’s a tough thing to do, make sure 90+ are all on the same page. So we have meetings every Tuesday night, Facebook pages and we have an elected board with specific titles. One is Vice President of chapter communication, he keeps track of all of my brothers phone numbers, sends out group snapchats, and coordinates all of the group messages.
Written by: Carson Breault
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