Monday, November 20, 2017

Steps to getting a MSU International Business Minor

These steps are required by the university and can be found on here if you would like to see the full list of classes.

1. All students must take MKT 310 (International and Comparative Dimensions of Business)

2. Students must then take 1 of the following 4 courses

  • FI 451 (International Financial Management)
  • GBL 460 (International Law and Business)
  • MGT 476 (Globalization and International Management)
  • MSC 417 (International Market Management)
3. Then students must complete 2 of these classes resulting in 6 credits (they give a ton of options for this one so the specific classes can be found from the link at the top)
  • EC 306/310
  • EC 340/406
  • EC 410/412-414
  • EC 440/441
  • FI 451
  • GBL 460/480
  • MGT 476
  • MKT 415 
4. Students must have completed 3 credits in a course with International Content. Counselors can show you what specific courses fill this requirement

5. Students must also take part in a study abroad program and receive 6 credits. A international internship can also be approved and replace the study abroad program.

6. (my personal least favorite) Students must have at least 4 semesters of a university taught  language. You can test into whatever year you got to in high-school.

Complete all these steps and you will be on your way to adding a international business minor from MSU!

Written by- Carson Breault

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