Sunday, October 8, 2017

Supply Chain Management at MSU

Image result for msu supply chain management    According to, the number one school for Supply Chain Management major in the United States is Michigan State University. The Eli Broad business college is constantly showcasing this achievement and reminding everyone how great of a program they have built. So I looked into what exactly it takes for a MSU student to receive the gold standard in Supply Chain Management education.
    First off, supply chain management involves the coordination, planning, distribution, purchasing, and logistics that are involved in business. Earning a major from MSU in this field requires completing a unique yet challenging program that creates leaders of industry. This requires good general business knowledge, decision making skills, and a firm understanding of the latest technology in each respective field. MSU also values students who are aware of social and environmental responsibilities, and can make important risk-management procedures. All of these traits make MSU Supply Chain Management majors succeed after their time at college.
    According to Michigan State University, the curriculum is very specific and unique while being taught at wold class facilities. "The Master of Science in Supply Chain Management degree program is a nontraditional, innovative blend of in-residency classes and e-learning segments... (We) combine a three-day, onsite session with eight-week, semester-based online module." They also add that there is plenty of one on one learning opportunities by industry professionals and professors
   When you add the nations top SCM flagship program, world class facilities, and real world hand on business learning, you get the best Supply Chain Management program in the country.

   -Written By: Carson Breault 

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