Monday, October 23, 2017

The Future of Supply Chain Management

Supply and demand. A very simplistic, yet effective economic theory. The customer has a need or want (the demand), and the manufacturers and businesses provide the customer with the needed merchandise (supply). Companies such as Amazon, who are growing exponentially, will need to pour a lot of their attention into the supply chain sector in order to maximize business efficiency. Why is the supply chain field going to be so important in the upcoming years? This is due to the new and ever changing methods of transportation. One could say its human nature to be impatient. When we want something, we typically would rather have it in our hands the moment the idea comes to mind. Drones will be a massive leap forward in the transportation department, specifically speaking for Amazon. Amazon plans on having carrier drones drop off packages to customers within the same day. This will result in fantastic, although controversial, revolutionary change in the world of transportation and e-commerce.

Supply Chain Management is huge in companies such as Amazon. Amazon relies heavily on transportation (for example, the amazingly wonderful 2-day Prime shipping). Alongside transportation, Amazon needs to know what merchandise to sell, when they can sell it, and how much of a profit they can make off selling this company's product. Amazon is the future of shipping and product transportation to the people, therefore making the future of Supply Chain that much more important.

By: Chandler A. Maples

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chandler! I definitely agree with you that the supply chain field is a growing industry. In what area of the country is supply chain really big right now?
